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Compare your Bookkeeping Costs:

Cost and Expenses:

The comparison below shows the savings gained by using our professional services versus having an In-House bookkeeper.

Cost of an "in-house bookkeeper" (Annually)
Salary  $32,000
Benefits and taxes  $5,000
Time off  $1,900
Hiring costs and training  $4,000
Computer and software $2,000
Office space  $1,000
Annual Cost of Bookkeeper  $45,900


Our Service Programs (Annually)
One-time setup fee  $0
Standard $2,400
Advanced $7,200
Premium $14,400


Your savings by choosing Bookkeeping House (Annually)
Standard $43,500
Advanced $38,700
Premium $31,500





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Get In Touch With Us

2901 Sheridan Avenue, Suite 3
Miami Beach, FL 33140
Telephone: +1 (305) 253-7551